- improved touch device handling (issue #73 (on Google Code))
updated jQuery library to version 1.11
added PiFaceDigital driver
- added PCF8591 ADC/DAC driver
- added MCP3002 ADC driver
- added MCP4802, MCP4812, MCP4822 ADC drivers
- added HYT221 Humidity Sensor driver
- added BMP180 Temperature & Pressure Sensor driver
- added support of multiple MCP23Sxx on a single SPI CE line
added vref argument for MCP DAC and ADC (issue #48 (on Google Code))
fixed devices monitor DAC display
added IPv6 binding support (issue #56 (on Google Code))
- added Content-Length fixed (issue #83 (on Google Code))
added HTTP and CoAP clients IP and User-Agent in logs (issue #76 (on
Google Code))
added 'prompt' option in HTTP section
of the config file (issue #69 (on Google Code))
fixed macro binding with -s switch (issue #52 (on Google Code))
fixed Luminosity.getLux REST mapping (issue #51 (on Google Code))
- fixed Serial monitor (issue #49 (on Google Code))
- fixed Serial low-level/binary handling
fixed 1-Wire Temperature sensors error handling (issue #68 (on
Google Code))
allows PiClients to run on others platforms than the Pi (issue #46
(on Google Code))
- general webiopi Python library improvements