Issue #125 [New/open] - Adding a Picture

Posted by alexander.lol8

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. dont know 2. 3. ...

WebIOPi version used? =>0.7.0

Python version used? =>3

Distro used? (WebIOPi has only been tested on Raspbian Wheezy) =>Rasphian

Raspberry Pi board revision? (1 or 2) =>2

For Javascript side bugs, Browser? =>

Please provide any additional information below.

I wanted to add a picture to my webiopi side and i dont get i how this works. I wrote down the path were the picture is but it only shows that failure picture. I am not sure of that that the path is correctly written down.

Please help me thx ! =D

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I put mi img file in my html folder, this way i only have to put : /img.jpg

Hope this works.