Posted by Digimon1995
What steps will reproduce the problem?
WebIOPi version used? => Newest (0.7.1)
Python version used? => auto installed version on Ras..pi2 (newest)
Distro used? (WebIOPi has only been tested on Raspbian Wheezy) => Wheezy
Raspberry Pi board revision? (1 or 2) => Raspberry Pi 2
For Javascript side bugs, Browser? => tested with RaspberryPi2 Standartbrowser and newest Chrome on Win 8.1
Please provide any additional information below. Completly install it new but it also not help
Posted by junquan.zhou
WebIOPi currently does not support Raspberry Pi 2 yet, but some good things are coming. Stay tuned for updates.
I saw this for 0.7.1
Hopefully they can release the 0.7.2 for fixing the Pi2 soon!
Posted by ddoct09
Still no feedback on Webiopi on Pi2... can we migrate to an alternate solution?
Posted by atanaspenchev
WAiting for it .... urgently :P
Posted by lionmilano
still waiting can we migrate to an alternate solution?
Posted by iktomi123.AW
I d'not understand the problems, found on the internet an articel the discriped excacly what to do, dit it and every thing works fine.
Read this articel an the subs to and you have the sollution.
Good luck
Posted by ansenberger
Here is a very simplex, yet useful cgi script to control any of the regular GPIO ports (direction and value) via web:
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
read(STDIN,$form, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); foreach $pair (split('&', $form)) { if ($pair =~ /(.*)=(.*)/) { # found key=value; ($key,$value) = ($1,$2); # get key, value. $value =~ s/+/ /g; # substitute spaces for + signs. $value =~ s/%(..)/pack('c',hex($1))/eg; $inputs{$key} = $value; # Create Associative Array. } }
if($inputs{'function'}) { if($inputs{'function'} eq "changedirection") { if($inputs{'direction'} eq "OUT") {$newdir="in";}; if($inputs{'direction'} eq "IN") {$newdir="out";}; system("/usr/local/bin/gpio -g mode $inputs{'gp'} $newdir"); } if($inputs{'function'} eq "changevalue") { if($inputs{'newvalue'} eq "1") {$newval="0";}; if($inputs{'newvalue'} eq "0") {$newval="1";}; system("/usr/local/bin/gpio -g write $inputs{'gp'} $newval"); } }
open(DATA, "/usr/local/bin/gpio readall|grep -v \"+\"|grep -v wPi|"); @readall=; close(DATA);
print "
\n"; print "$bcm | $name | $value | $phys | "; } else { if(length($phys)==1) {$phys="\ ".$phys;}; print "$bcm | $name | $direction | $value | $phys | "; } if($name2=~/GPIO/) { if($value2=="1") {$color="lightgreen"} else {$color="lightgrey"}; if($direction2 eq "OUT") {$value2="";}; print "$phys2 | $value2 | $name2 | $bcm2 | \n"; } else { print "$phys2 | $value2 | $direction2 | $name2 | $bcm2 | \n"; } print "
Posted by
I guess this project is dead, since it don't work on the newest (and most popular) raspberry
Posted by Nils.Heilemann
Posted by trouch
Issue 139 has been merged into this issue.
Posted by trouch
Issue 149 has been merged into this issue.
Posted by trouch
Issue 151 has been merged into this issue.
Posted by Hess733
Hopefully they can release the 0.7.2 for fixing the Pi2 soon!
plz plz plz plz
Posted by santhoshachar08
Any one has any update on this? If some gives little bit of insight on what needs to be done. I'll give it a try. Looks like many people are waiting for it. Including me. :)
I'm trying to understand the existing code. If some one can give me some heads up on what exactly needs to be done. I've some spare time, which i can utilize it for some good and try to get webiopi up and running on pi-2
Posted by keisuke.seya
You can use the patch from the following URL to get webiopi up and running on pi-2 :