Issue #156 [New/open] - Nothing happens when i press the buttons on the default configuration

Posted by kjjordans

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.installed the application 2.start the application with "sudo webiopi -d -c /etc/webiopi/config" 3. ...

WebIOPi version used? >0.7.1 Python version used? =>updated with installation

Distro used? (WebIOPi has only been tested on Raspbian Wheezy) =>Raspbian

Raspberry Pi board revision? (1 or 2) =>1

For Javascript side bugs, Browser? =>

Please provide any additional information below.

everything loads without errors but the web application is not responsive. I also have rasPi cam controll v6.0.1 on port 80

Comment 1

Posted by kjjordans

UPDATE: the app is working on my ipad. still not working on Win 8.1 PC using chrome

Comment 2

Posted by

Hi there this will fix your issue follow those steps. It worked for me on Raspbian and Ubuntu