Posted by mirnesen
What steps will reproduce the problem?
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? [root@rpi ~]# python -m webiopi /bin/python: No module named webiopi [root@rpi ~]# python3 -m webiopi /bin/python3: No module named webiopi
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? WebIOPi-0.5.3 Raspberry-PI Fedora 17 Remix (Linux rpi 3.2.27 #1 PREEMPT Mon Oct 1 22:37:41 UTC 2012 armv6l armv6l armv6l GNU/Linux) Python 2.7.3 + Python 3.2.3
PS. Later i reinstalled it and found error:
unable to execute gcc: No such file or directory error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 Build for Python 3.2.3 failed\n WebIOPi installed for Python 3.2.3\n Copying resources... OK\n WebIOPi successfully installed * You can use it with Python 2.7.3\t: sudo python -m webiopi * You can use it with Python 3.2.3\t: sudo python3 -m webiopi
But why "WebIOPi successfully installed" if it obviosly failed?
Posted by trouch
This is because WebIOPi has not been tested with Fedora. Please use Raspbian Wheezy instead or at least install gcc and python dev headers.
Posted by mirnesen
Yes, it was because of gcc, but why "WebIOPi successfully installed"?)
Posted by trouch
You've got "WebIOPi successfully installed" instead of failure because it still a 0.x version and it has not been tested on Fedora.
Posted by trouch
Cannot reproduce it on Raspbian, cannot test Fedora.
Posted by idreamer.xiao
i got the same error. but i modified and it was setup ok. but /lib/init/ No such file or directory