Posted by tagno25
What steps will reproduce the problem?
netstat -tl
and see *:8000 instead of [::]:8000
WebIOPi version used? =>0.6.0
Python version used? =>2.7 and 3.2
Distro used? (WebIOPi has only been tested on Raspbian Wheezy) =>Raspbian Wheezy
Raspberry Pi board revision? (1 or 2) =>2
Please provide any additional information below.
fixed by setting "address_family" to "socket.AF_INET6" for the server
Files attached
Posted by wolfy2992
And what is the solution? I do not understand exactly what to do with httpv6.patc file. Someone please describe me. It is very important to me.
Posted by tagno25
copy httpv6.patch to the folder that is in (in my case that was
/WebIOPi-0.6.0/python/webiopi/protocols/), then run
patch < httpv6.patch
To undo the patch run patch -R < httpv6.patch
The patch is only for the web interface
Posted by wolfy2992
Thanks for the fast answer, but unfortunately does not go. :( My FTP server works great with ipv6 but webiopi not. What more can I do? The correct format in the browser "https://[23ed:343rr:.:.:.]" ? One more thing: my webiopi operational port 80 not 8000. But I think it's all the same...
Posted by trouch
Need to take a quick look on it, remembering there is a reason I did not allowed IPv6, but don't remember why.
Posted by trouch
Posted by trouch
Posted by trouch
This issue was closed by revision r1417.
Posted by trouch
definitely fixed by r1420 need to add few exception checking. INET6 family throws exception when IPv6 module not loaded